Miriam Yates is a Consulting Psychologist and Project Manager at Within Consulting. Miriam shares her tips and tricks for changing behaviours and modifying our automatic habits, so they work for us – not against us! For more information, contact Miriam at miriam@withinconsulting.com.au.
Category: Change Management
An inspiring review of Angela Duckworth’s book Grit, by Miriam Yates, Consulting Psychologist at Within Consulting.
Why do you need Grit? How do you get it? And why talent isn’t everything!
New Year, New You? Embracing the Inner Gorilla
Argumentative? Time poor? Control freak? No willpower? Weakness for a good Shiraz? Coffee addiction? Bad hair? No problem, leave them all behind in 2015 and welcome a NEW YOU in 2016! As we welcome in another new year, we are overwhelmed with articles encouraging us to become a brand new turbo-improved version of our former selves. But the reality is – You can’t just skip over yourself.
Working with Teams in Conflict
If you have ever worked within a team that was in conflict, then you know how bad it can get. Many teams go through periods of conflict, and some teams go through periods where the whole working environment can feel absolutely toxic. A team in this situation needs assistance to work effectively together. The worst thing a manager can do is ‘let them be’ and hope they will work it out themselves. However, even the best managers find these situations very difficult to navigate.
Achieving Goals: Applying Positive Neuroplasticity to Your New Year’s Resolutions
Whether it’s a New Year’s resolution or a professional development goal, most of us struggle to find the motivation and persistence necessary for follow through and success. The good news is that research in the area of neuroplasticity is providing growing evidence for how to use everyday activities to develop the inner resources necessary for sustainable behaviour change.
Building a Sustainable Workforce
How do you build a sustainable workforce? Quite simply, you look after your people so that they look after you. Easy said (I know!) but how do you do this in practice? Here’s some simple and effective strategies for creating a sustainable workforce.
Who Needs a Coach?
Elite athletes have them, as do many successful CEOs. So you might think that coaching is only for those who have made it to the top in their chosen field. But many of these highly successful individuals worked with a coach to get to where they are today and they recognise the important contribution of coaching in their transformation and growth.
Ready for a Change?
To Do or Not To Do…..
Implementing changes in our personal and professional lives can be extremely challenging. We are wired for safety and nothing quite flicks our safety switch like the prospect of change. In fact, one of our key survival strategies is to stabilise what keeps changing in order to maintain equilibrium, so our brains are very good at sending us warning signals whenever change is in the air.