Cultivating leadership that we all deserve

In 2016, I was collecting data for my PhD and studied the implications of Hillary Clinton’s defeat on everyday Americans’ beliefs about women leaders in business. In a nutshell, the implication of her loss shaped beliefs about women business leader’s appointment and promotability. Really pared back, my research shows that reminders of leadership in our broader social context, shape our beliefs about leadership in the business context. I’ve had quite a few conversations with various colleagues, academics and friends, in an effort to grow my own understanding surrounding the 2020 election, namely Trump’s re-election bid and his anticipated success. Now …

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Psychological Safety

Google has recently released findings on an internal study spanning two years that compared high performing teams with those teams that were not performing as effectively. The key factor that contributed to team effectiveness and productivity? Psychological safety.

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International Women’s Day and Celebrating Success

Scholars have argued that for women the pathway to leadership is akin to a ‘labyrinth’ wherein it’s not so much a ‘glass ceiling’ that prohibits women from getting to the top, but rather a sum of obstacles that present along the way.  The good news is, there unequivocally are ways to address gender diversity in the workplace (and they don’t involve annihilating men everywhere)! (Image source: – A woman in Trafalgar Square during the Women’s March on London in central London, Britain January 21, 2017, Kevin Coombs/Reuters)

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Overcoming the Imposter Phenomenon

Did you know up to 70% of people will experience impostor fears at some stage in their life (Gravois, 2007), and it actually occurs at similar rates amongst men and women?  Phoebe Cook is a Consulting Psychologist at Within Consulting and the author of this fascinating article, outlining an experience that may be sabotaging your career success. (Image source:

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That Sinking Feeling

When do you get that sinking feeling?  Is it when you’ve made a great big whopping mistake?  When you feel out of your depth and not sure of what you are doing?  Or when you receive negative feedback?  Read more about working with that sinking feeling to be the leader/team member/partner/parent/friend you want to be.

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Welcome to the Within Consulting Blog

Welcome to Within Consulting!  We partner with businesses to provide people management and workplace psychology solutions. We are really excited to apply our knowledge of how people think, feel and behave to assist organisations and individuals to achieve real and sustainable business results.  We tailor all of our services to your requirements, so whether you need a shift in employee engagement, a talented new recruit or a team that works more effectively together, we will find a solution that works for you.  We also pride ourselves on providing exceptional value for money, so our services are accessible to organisations in …

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