In 2016, I was collecting data for my PhD and studied the implications of Hillary Clinton’s defeat on everyday Americans’ beliefs about women leaders in business. In a nutshell, the implication of her loss shaped beliefs about women business leader’s appointment and promotability. Really pared back, my research shows that reminders of leadership in our broader social context, shape our beliefs about leadership in the business context. I’ve had quite a few conversations with various colleagues, academics and friends, in an effort to grow my own understanding surrounding the 2020 election, namely Trump’s re-election bid and his anticipated success. Now …
Tag: brisbane
Great Expectations
I’ve been wondering if life might be a little easier if we had no expectations of each other. It seems that almost all disagreements and divides come down to a sense that expectations are not met. But what is the cost of having no expectations? And how do can we gain benefit from shared expectations?
Resilience: Its not what you think
I don’t often tell people about the kind of psychology I do. It’s not that I’m not proud of it, but because it is generally misunderstood. When I tell people my work involves applying positive psychology and building resilience in the workplace, they usually look at me like I’m a flake. It seems they picture me facilitating group hugs and Kumbaya sing alongs. (Image source:
Positive Neuroplasticity: Hardwiring Behaviour Change and Building Inner Resources
What do you want to become ‘more’ of? More patient, more confident, more assertive, more light-hearted? This article explores how we can identify the inner resources we need and want to develop, and the practical ways that we can ‘hardwire change’ in our minds. As I mentioned in my previous article, there is a growing body of research in the area of neuroplasticity that supports the idea that our talents, abilities and strengths are not fixed. We are all very quick to put ourselves (and others) into boxes which limit us. In fact, we all have the capacity to change, …