That Sinking Feeling

When do you get that sinking feeling?  Is it when you’ve made a great big whopping mistake?  When you feel out of your depth and not sure of what you are doing?  Or when you receive negative feedback?  Read more about working with that sinking feeling to be the leader/team member/partner/parent/friend you want to be.

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New Year, New You? Embracing the Inner Gorilla

Argumentative? Time poor? Control freak? No willpower? Weakness for a good Shiraz? Coffee addiction? Bad hair?  No problem, leave them all behind in 2015 and welcome a NEW YOU in 2016!  As we welcome in another new year, we are overwhelmed with articles encouraging us to become a brand new turbo-improved version of our former selves. But the reality is – You can’t just skip over yourself.

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Positive Neuroplasticity: Hardwiring Behaviour Change and Building Inner Resources

What do you want to become ‘more’ of?  More patient, more confident, more assertive, more light-hearted? This article explores how we can identify the inner resources we need and want to develop, and the practical ways that we can ‘hardwire change’ in our minds. As I mentioned in my previous article, there is a growing body of research in the area of neuroplasticity that supports the idea that our talents, abilities and strengths are not fixed.  We are all very quick to put ourselves (and others) into boxes which limit us.  In fact, we all have the capacity to change, …

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